Friday, May 11, 2012

What It Looks Like

I started walking six years ago.  I weighed just over 200 pounds.  I chose to take my walks around my neighborhood in the middle of the day, when no one was home.  I was afraid of what it looked like.  Everything jiggled.  My body fat had a mind of its own, bouncing everywhere.  My butt resembled Jello and wiggled just like it. My belly swayed back and forth and up and down.  I felt terrible about my appearance and did not want anyone to see me.  I even walked in disguise, big clothes, hat, glasses. At times I wished I was invisible.

As the months passed I began not to care what it looked like, what I looked like to others while I exercised.  I had realized that I couldn't change what it looked like if I stayed on the couch, out of sight.  I mean, why did I care what my neighbors and strangers thought anyway.  I was out walking the streets for my health, not as their entertainment.

Fast forward six years....  I go for a run or a bike ride whenever I want.  I want my neighbors to see me. In fact, I wear a fluorescent green safety vest to make sure I am visible.  I am aware my neighbors/strangers watch me and I don't care.  Some of them remember that girl who started and what I used to look like.  Some of them have started to wave and smile at me and give me the thumbs up sign.

So, if you are worried about what it looks like, drop that as an excuse, it's lame.  Get your body moving.  I guarantee it will change your life.  The magic really does happen when you stop caring what it looks like and get out there.