Friday, April 13, 2012

Published: A Dream Come True

As many of you already know, I am getting myself out there as a writer.  I can tell you, there is no way the "Fat Wendy " would have ever gone after something like this.  I am amazed at what shedding a few pounds, actually 75, did for my self -esteem.  Losing weight gave me the courage to go after my dreams and the strength to beat them into submission.  

This link was made available today.  You can read my piece here.  While you are there, check out the other articles as well.  Let me know what you think.

If you would like a copy, leave me a comment and I will do my best to get one to you.

Thanks for your support.


Monday, April 9, 2012

What Are You Waiting For???

While on a training ride last week, a funeral procession passed me.  Whenever I see one it really makes me think how fortunate I am.  Not just to be breathing, but to be ALIVE. Really alive.  I was trying to get away from the procession, but it seemed to be following me.  Every turn I took, there they were. Cars with the orange funeral sticker in the window.   Finally, I thought I had seen the last of them... only to find out we where headed in the same direction.  

  I was in the middle of my ride while they were getting out of their cars to say good-bye to their loved one. 

 I stopped across the street and watched as the coffin came out of the limo.  Tears welled up in my eyes and I wondered how this person died.  Where they just old?  Possible accident?  Or was it from diabetes, obesity or some other disease? 

After a few minutes I collected myself and was able to pedal again.  I understand now why I could not seem to out-pedal them.  I needed my ride to be interrupted that day.  I needed to remember where I came from in order  to focus on where I am going.   

I know first hand what it is like to be the "walking dead".  I know what depression is.  I totally comprehend what it feels like to be obese.  I am confident too, that there is no way in hell I will ever feel those things again.    Furthermore, if death wants to take me he better pack a lunch, because I will not go quickly or quietly.  I will fight. 

This will not be my final resting place.  I have requested to be scattered  on trails and mountains.

     You may not get this opportunity again.  Change your life today.  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Girls Gone Hiking

I made myself a note today to buy more sunscreen and bug spray.  Today, April 1st, was 89 degrees complete with endless sunshine.  I am not complaining, but it is a little odd weather, dontchathink?  Missouri had a very mild winter and seems to have skipped spring and began summer.  That said, the ticks are out in full force, and they are huge.  Buy some bug spray, I recommend Bullfrog ( sunscreen and bugspray combo ) , and coat yourself and your kids with it.  

Today Syd and I hit the trails at Brommelseik Park.  Following are a few pictures and an interview with her.

Ready for the trail

Me:  Did you have fun today?

Syd:  Yes because I saw a butterfly

Me: What was your favorite part?

Syd: I liked two. Playground and the horses

Carries her own water and snacks

Me:  What did you see today?

Syd:  Butterfly and horses and ladybugs.  ( she said the worm was disgusting and she didn't want to mention it)


Me:  Did you have everything you needed?

Syd:  yes, but a chocolate bar or some candy

Me:  Was it too hot?

Syd:  A little bit

Largest worm we have ever seen

Me:  Did we hike long enough?

Syd:  We hiked a little too long.  I wanted to play at that park.

Gotta climb the rocks

Gotta throw some rocks

Last year I would not let her drop while hanging. She has grown, so this trip I told her that she could let go.  You should have seen her face as her feet hit the ground.  It is a truly amazing feeling, when you can watch your child gain confidence, really see it in their eyes. I had another great day with my girl.  Outside, on the trail.

What do you think would happen if you grabbed your kids and headed out on an adventure?